Articles by: "John Coyne"
Australian border security: hope against hope

Over the last six years, the hopes of asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have been sacrificed by an Australian government policy designed to prevent broader loss of life and maintain the sovereignty of …

Drug onslaught is coming—despite the big busts

The human cost of illicit drug use in Australia—whether from heroin overdoses in the 1990s or, more recently, from methamphetamine (ice) and MDMA (the main ingredient in ecstasy)—makes the headlines because it personalises the issue. …

North of 26° south and the security of Australia

In terms of Australia’s first, and primary, strategic defence objective—‘to deter, deny and defeat any attempt by a hostile country or non-state actor to attack, threaten or coerce Australia’—it seems that Paul Dibb’s 1986 review …

Improving maritime security in the Asia–Pacific

Over recent years, the Asia–Pacific maritime security environment has become increasingly complex. Transnational serious and organised crime in the maritime domain (including illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; piracy; and trafficking of weapons, drugs and people), …

Privatising visa processing is the only practical option

In May 2016, the Turnbull government announced plans to overhaul and automate Australia’s visa-processing system. The initiative involves creating a new digital platform using artificial intelligence and big data technologies. The Department of Home Affairs, …

Lessons for Australia in US biodefence strategy

In Stephen King’s apocalyptic horror novel The stand, the accidental release of a biological weapon, a super-flu nicknamed Captain Trips, caused a global pandemic that wiped out 99.4% of the world’s population. King masterfully paints …

Rethinking Australia’s biosecurity

Australia may no longer ride on the sheep’s back, but our economic and cultural links with the land and agriculture remain strong. Arguably, Australia’s economy remains intrinsically linked to agricultural production. Deliberate or accidental biosecurity …