Debate: "General"
Bottling Indonesia’s Gini

When Indonesia declared independence from Dutch rule in 1945, the country’s founder, Sukarno, called on his people to build a nation that would ‘stand in strength’, eternally united. That mantra—unity and strength—helped shape the country’s …

Oz intelligence review: Home Affairs

Strange things happen in that dynamic space where politics and policy meet in Canberra. Part of the discipline is for all players to keep a straight face. No matter the impact of the strangeness, no …

ASPI suggests

Kicking off with the thematic side of things this week, different facets of identity politics are stirred up in two pieces about President Trump. First, The Economist warns that Trump’s divisive ‘us versus them’ rhetoric …

The Arab autocracy trap

It has been more than six years since the start of the Arab Spring, and life for most Arabs is worse than it was in 2011. Unemployment is rife in the Middle East and North …

Talking to the chiefs: Leo Davies (part 1)

The war against the Islamic State terror group, or Daesh, in Iraq and Syria has demonstrated the importance of Australia’s soldiers, sailors and airmen working as a closely integrated joint force, says RAAF chief Leo …