Debate: "General"
Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Take a step into the future and have a quick look at the US Navy’s new railgun, courtesy of The Wall Street Journal. Using electromagnetic rails, the high-powered weapon fires an 11kg projectile …

Off-the-shelf opportunism

While researching a recent post, I went to the Pentagon’s Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) website, looking for notifications of sales to Australia on its Major Arms Sales page. I didn’t find what I was …

Australia in the South China Sea: time to act, not react

The rapidly changing strategic landscape in the South China Sea threatens to marginalise Australia unless the government takes positive action now to remain a relevant and influential player in the region’s strategic calculus. Positive action …

China’s Pakistani outpost

Like a typical school bully, China is big and strong, but it doesn’t have a lot of friends. Indeed, now that the country has joined with the United States to approve new international sanctions on …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 4)

War and truth seldom sit comfortably together. To go to battle is not to go to Sunday school. So to proclaim that the Media Age motto for the Australian Defence Force and the Defence Department …

The EU, trade and the breakdown of unity

Major geopolitical shifts can be unexpected, such as the once unthinkable situation of European unity crumbling. This prospect may have delighted some observers, but it’s worrying for many others. The European Union (EU) has been …

Reconciling with Sykes-Picot

This month marks the centenary of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the secret British-French accord that launched a decade-long series of adjustments to the borders of the post-Ottoman Middle East. Most commentary on the anniversary has been …

Australian strategy has a TINA problem

In 1983 Bob Hawke and his new Treasurer Paul Keating came to office promising to resist radical changes to Australia’s economic system. Hawke’s election pitch had recognised the economy was in bad shape, but he …