Playing with fire in Idlib

The twists and turns of the Syrian conflict over the past eight years are already legendary, but the latest lurch into chaos has been described by the normally measured UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, as ‘one …

Will American populism damage Japan?

After the gains made by former US vice president Joe Biden in the Democratic primaries on Super Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders is slightly behind but still a frontrunner for the party’s nomination to face President …

How to leave Afghanistan

After nearly two decades, 2,400 American soldiers killed, another 20,000 wounded and as much as US$2 trillion spent, the United States is understandably eager to withdraw from Afghanistan. President Donald Trump wants to be able …

ASPI’s China research: the big picture

In a piece titled ‘The think-tank behind Australia’s changing view of China’, the Australian Financial Review recently gave prominence to a few critics of ASPI’s China research. But instead of engaging with the research and …

Making the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific is an idea with a crucial purpose: avoid war. It’s a lot to ask of a geographic construct that barely existed a decade ago. ‘Indo-Pacific’ has shifted from a way to look at …

Australia and the Vietnam War: 50 years on

The period from the Tet offensive of early 1968 to the Moratorium demonstration of May 1970 was the turning point in the most important battlefield of the Vietnam War—the battle for American public opinion. To …

ASPI suggests

The world Some interesting analysis on the coronavirus has emerged this week looking at its impact on technology, economies and society. Foreign Policy has an interesting piece on the impact religious cults and conservatives have …