Kashmir: the international dimension

India’s decision last month to revoke Kashmir’s autonomy and statehood, break it into two union territories and merge them fully with the Indian union caught everyone unawares. The changes give effect to the Bharatiya Janata …

The five-domains update

Sea state The Department of Defence is scoping ways to modernise its submarine shipyard in Adelaide so that the navy’s Collins-class submarines can continue to be serviced there. This comes amid political and industrial tensions …

Australia’s cyber strategy, version 2.0

Back in 2016, Australia launched a new national cybersecurity strategy.* The strategy covers a four-year period to 2020, and given the changes in the security environment, an update is now clearly warranted. To that end, …

The cyber threat to satellites

The Australian Defence Force has a heavy dependence on satellite communications for force coordination at long range. Satellites such as those that make up the US GPS network are critical for weapons guidance and joint …

Bereft by Brexit

With Britain as the mother country and the US as the alliance father, Australia has a dysfunctional family. Mum has gone nuts; dad has gone rogue. The anchors of the Anglosphere are angry and adrift, …

ASPI suggests

The world One of this week’s biggest headlines was the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong, the potential passage of which spurred the protests that have rocked the city for months. While this …

The many faces of right-wing extremism

Mass shootings such as those in El Paso and Las Vegas and terror attacks such as those in New Zealand and Norway, along with the rise of nationalist, anti-immigrant, populist political parties, have put the …

Policy, Guns and Money: Hong Kong and opioids

In this episode, ASPI’s Michael Shoebridge and Marcus Hellyer discuss the pro-democracy protests rocking Hong Kong and the likelihood of a violent intervention from Beijing. Later on in the podcast, Renee Jones talks to Canadian …

National security wrap

The beat Top cop says UK risks becoming ‘Orwellian’ police state The commissioner of London’s Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, has warned that the UK could become a ‘ghastly, Orwellian, omniscient police state’ if law enforcement …

US foreign policy after Trump

US President Donald Trump’s behaviour at last month’s G7 meeting in Biarritz was criticised as careless and disruptive by many observers. Others argued that the press and pundits pay too much attention to Trump’s personal …

Why the fifth domain is different

Domains of warfare seem to be proliferating rapidly these days. In Thucydides’ time, battles were fought on land and at sea—two domains. The combination of the two multiplied the complexity and confusion: at Syracuse (415–413 BC), …

Australia waives the rules with Timor-Leste

Australia is one of the most outspoken and prominent supporters of the ‘rules-based international order’. Given its status as a modestly credentialled middle power with a limited capacity to influence the international order or the …