In memoriam: Tim Fischer

Tim Fischer belongs to a unique generation of Australian political leaders we are farewelling fast, including Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser and Bob Hawke. Whether you agreed with their ideology or not, you could not but …

Morrison’s middle-power mateship

How times change. Only half a century or so ago, Australians were fighting and dying in Vietnam in an American-led effort to hold back the supposed threat of communist expansion. The whole of Southeast Asia …

Hugh White’s military revolution

Sink the navy and start again. Shrink the army. Double the air force. That’s the military revolution of Hugh White’s How to defend Australia, based on his claim that Australia has spent two decades building …

Will democracy die last?

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, prominent international relations experts such as the late French political philosopher Pierre Hassner argued that the world was witnessing a process of competitive decay between the United States …

ASPI suggests

The world Following its formal withdrawal from the INF Treaty, the US has tested a nuclear-capable medium- range cruise missile. For the details on the launch, see War is Boring. Russia and China have both …

Time to rethink Australia’s food security

Now that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has finalised his advisory team, he’s apparently planning a series of ‘sleeves up’ sessions on policy development. There are a few topics that he should have his advisers working …